Why You Need To Offer Male Waxing

Why You Need To Offer Male Waxing

As men are turning to skincare professionals in their fight against unwanted body hair, male waxing has been increasing in popularity. Reports in the beauty industry show that “manscaping” is a trend on the rise with more and more guys wanting to remove body hair for...
Mobile Waxing Business: Things You Need To Consider

Mobile Waxing Business: Things You Need To Consider

There are plenty of benefits that being a mobile beautician brings to the table. Just to name a few, you get total control of your schedule and become flexible. Plus, you will also have the chance to work around a different job as well as have more time for your loved...
Should You Offer Male Brazilian Waxing?

Should You Offer Male Brazilian Waxing?

More and more, we are seeing guys visiting spas for a Brazilian wax, also known as ‘Boyzilian’ or ‘Manzilian’. It only makes sense because waxing is more hygienic and offers longer-lasting results than shaving. It’s even more cost-effective than shaving down there. As...
Do Estheticians Have To Do Brazilian Waxing?

Do Estheticians Have To Do Brazilian Waxing?

If you are a proud esthetician, you have every reason to be very grateful that you decided to take this career path in the beauty industry. The job opportunities for a skincare esthetician are seen to increase by 14%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Plus,...
Can Cosmetologists Do Brazilian Waxing?

Can Cosmetologists Do Brazilian Waxing?

Brazilian waxing is a great industry to work with due to many reasons. You can quickly become a professional at doing the service because it is routine work. Moreover, waxing is not just a one-time treatment, and clients have to come in much often for the succeeding...
How To Become An Esthetician In California

How To Become An Esthetician In California

California is one of the centers of the beauty industry in the U.S.A. Thanks to the more than five hundred beauty companies in the state that generate billions of revenue every year. Plus, skin care spas can be found on virtually every corner of the state. This is why...
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