
Brazilian waxing is a great industry to work with due to many reasons. You can quickly become a professional at doing the service because it is routine work. Moreover, waxing is not just a one-time treatment, and clients have to come in much often for the succeeding sessions. So, all this means you will have great work security as well as able to build a relationship since the same people will come to you for a regular waxing appointment.

So, if you are a cosmetologist who wanted to add one more great service to offer your clients, Brazilian waxing is a good thing to consider. It is a very attractive type of waxing that most women love to have. However, when it comes to performing waxing, there is always doubts if cosmetologists can also do Brazilian waxing.


Differentiating A Cosmetologist From An Esthetician


While a cosmetologist and an esthetician are two similar careers in the beauty industry, they are not the same and differ in some ways. A cosmetologist is a professional that focuses on skin, hair, and nails while an esthetician concentrates on skin care only. An esthetician is not eligible to do pedicures, perform hairdo, or even work with hair chemicals. But on the contrary, a cosmetologist can also do the work of an esthetician with additional training and education.

In general, most states require different licensing for each professional but by default, licensed cosmetologists are qualified to perform Brazilian waxing and other types of waxing in the state of their license. While the length of training for cosmetologists differs in each state, they have to be trained on an average of 1,000 hours.


Getting The Right Waxing Training


Obtaining a cosmetology or esthetics license is very important to allow you to offer waxing services legally. You will also have the right information to perform waxing properly and safely. But if you plan to make it the bulk of your work or decide to make it your full-time job, you would want to ensure that clients are convenient and comfortable as much as possible. After all, Brazilian waxing is a routine service and you would like your clients to come back and avail your service when you will need it again.

So, if you want to be fully prepared and equipped to do waxing, it would be a big help to take appropriate Brazilian waxing classes, more so if you plan to provide Brazilian or even bikini waxes. These waxing services are being performed in sensitive areas that can be irritated or infected if done improperly.

Taking a Brazilian waxing specialty course will help you learn everything you want and need to know about waxing. This includes what would be the right type of wax to use, the techniques to be used for the process to be comfortable for the clients, the products for the before and after the procedure to reduce the pain, as well as the important sanitation procedures.

In the state of Califonia, in particular, a cosmetologist with the right license can definitely do Brazilian waxing. However, the professional cannot do the following:

-Use any type of laser despite the known health effects
-Use medical-grade skin exfoliates
-Remove unwanted hairs using rays or light waves
-Remove any moles

In some states, you may have a special certification that is exclusive for Brazilian waxing, you as well as your clients will be both happy if you have taken a full program to provide the service. You can begin your fruitful journey to a cosmetology or esthetics license with use here at the Brazilian Wax Training. We offer these programs tailored fit to your individual needs. Contact us today to learn more about this new exciting career that you and your clients-to-be will be going to enjoy.

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